Achivements The Blood Bank was formally inaugurated by the then Central Health Minister Dr. C.P. Thakur on Sept. 2005. Component Section Inaugurated by Mr.A.K.Pandey the drug controlar (U.P.) 16 Sep.2007 CME - Sep. 2007 CME - Sep. 2009 CME - April 2011 CME - Feb. 2014 World Vol Donor Day - june 2015 National vol. Donor Day - Oct. 2015 World Blood Donor Day - June 2016 National Vol. Donor Day - Oct. 2016 CME - April 2017 ISTM - November 2017 Represented ISBTI 2007 , 2010 & 2012 Represented ISTM 2014 , 2015 & 2016 Testing by ELISA Supplies 2500 units per month A+ grade in 2009 by NACO. Blood and blood components supply All time high Nov. 2019-Feb. 2020